a) Bank deposit — you can deposit funds into our bank account, using the details sent to you in your host kit paperwork. If you have misplaced this information, please call the Bake to Celebrate team on 1800 733 276 or email contactus@redcross.org.au for details and instructions.
b) Cheque or money order — Please send cheques/money orders made payable to ‘Australian Red Cross’ to Australian Red Cross, Big CakeBake, GPO Box 2957, Melbourne VIC 3001.
c) Credit card online — use your credit card to return funds collected at your Bake to Celebrate event through your fundraising dashboard. Log in to your dashboard and firstly click on the ‘My Donations’ button. From there you will see a red button ‘Add Offline Donation’ which will allow you make one lump sum payment or individual payments received from donors at your event. Please note, if you are making individual payments on behalf of your donors, you will be required to enter in their contact details so they can be issued with a tax receipt accordingly. Tax receipts are for donations only. Please see below for more information on tax receipts.
d) Encourage your donors to donate directly to your online fundraising page — share the link to your online fundraising page via email and social media to everyone attending your Bake to Celebrate event. Once they visit your page, tell them to click on the red ‘Donate’ button. Donors can pay directly to your page, leave messages of support and will automatically receive a tax receipt for their donation.
e) Donations of $2 and over may be tax-deductible.
- If your supporters request a tax receipt, the best practice for this is to encourage them to make a payment to your online fundraising page - a tax receipt will be automatically emailed to them.
If you do not have an online fundraising page or have forgotten the details, please contact the Bake to Celebrate team on 1800 733 276 or email contactus@redcross.org.au for assistance.